Articles on: Working with OpnForm

How to track the source of your OpnForm submissions

Here's how to track the source of your form respondents by using the URL form pre-fill feature.

Once you have created a form, you can achieve this by:

Creating a new text block on your form, setting it up as "hidden", naming it (for example "Source") and saving your changes.

From the "Your Forms" menu, click on your form name, move to the "Share tab" and then click here: URL Form pre-fill

Name your source, (for example, "Facebook", "LinkedIn" or "website", etc), and click the "generate pre-filled URL" button.

Your URL is ready. Submissions that come from this link will be tracked as coming from your source ("Facebook", in this example). You will see that on your form responses record.

You need to use the full link as seen in the image above if you want the responses to track the source.

Updated on: 04/01/2024

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