Do you want to get notified of new submissions via Slack?
You can enable Slack notifications by doing the following:
Log in to your account.
Go to the "Forms" section.
Select the desired form.
Click on "Integrations" and choose "Slack Notification".

Enable the integration in the provided pop-up window.

Follow these instructions from Slack to get a webhook URL and once you have it, paste it here and save changes:
You can now customize the options you'll showcase on your Slack Notifications.

You can also set conditions for sending Slack confirmation

Slack Notifications are only available in OpnForm Pro Plans and above. Click here to learn more about our pricing & plans.
You can use @mentiions by clicking at the @ sign to fill in any submission data in to the message. For example is adding a name to the message sent in Slack.

Log in to your account.
Go to the "Forms" section.
Select the desired form.
Click on "Integrations" and choose "Slack Notification".

Enable the integration in the provided pop-up window.

Follow these instructions from Slack to get a webhook URL and once you have it, paste it here and save changes:
You can now customize the options you'll showcase on your Slack Notifications.

You can also set conditions for sending Slack confirmation

Slack Notifications are only available in OpnForm Pro Plans and above. Click here to learn more about our pricing & plans.
You can use @mentiions by clicking at the @ sign to fill in any submission data in to the message. For example is adding a name to the message sent in Slack.

Updated on: 07/11/2024
Thank you!